Welcome to my Diary of a Jobseeker
Hello I am 36 and currently Unemployed. I am doing this Blog to share my experiences and feelings, both positive and negative in my quest to gain full time employment. In the past I have had many jobs in factories, pubs, shops and with cleaning agencies. I have two children, one at college and working part- time and one at school with a paper round. I have always done voluntary work in schools and for community organisations. I left school at 14 when my parents split up and started work in a factory when I was 15. I had no formal qualifications but have taken up training opportunities that have been accessible to me. The jobs I have had have not been very rewarding but up until recent times were more easy to find. Now even rubbish jobs are scarce in this area. I become very upset when people look down on those who are unemployed and dismiss lightly the problems that we face. I hope my blog will shed light on the difficulties and the issues that unemployed workers face in 21st Century Britain. People who have never had to deal with the employment services and their outsourced off shoots do not understand what we have to go through. I hope my blog will help to give an insight .
I spend alot of time looking for and applying for jobs, as well as volunteer in an advice centre in the voluntary sector, which involves training courses and other opportunities. I am busy most days and would like to put my skills to good use in paid employment, especially as the cost of living is so high. The amount the Law says you should live on is simply not enough. Just because you are unemployed it does not mean you are a lazy scrounger as portrayed in the Media.
I spend alot of time looking for and applying for jobs, as well as volunteer in an advice centre in the voluntary sector, which involves training courses and other opportunities. I am busy most days and would like to put my skills to good use in paid employment, especially as the cost of living is so high. The amount the Law says you should live on is simply not enough. Just because you are unemployed it does not mean you are a lazy scrounger as portrayed in the Media.